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What Is eCommerce And Why You Need A Successful eCommerce Website Right Now
April 21, 2020
eCommerce Website - Shaka Web Design Services
  1. Web Design
  2. What Is eCommerce And Why You Need A Successful eCommerce Website Right Now

What Is eCommerce And Why You Need A Successful eCommerce Website Right Now

eCommerce has taken over in our current digital age. Nowadays, we can buy anything online from clothes to new phones to even groceries. It’s become easier and easier for businesses to sell their products online. In this article, we’ll go over how to build an eCommerce website and if it’s right for your business. This has never been more critical than today as we face restrictions on brick and mortar shopping activities. If you want to continue doing business, you MUST have an online shopping presence!

What is eCommerce?

The definition of eCommerce is “commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet.” Think of Amazon or any business where you buy their products online. eCommerce is how a lot of businesses are selling their products and reaching customers across the globe.

Should you start an eCommerce website?

Do you have a product or service to sell? Do you craft handmade jewelry or provide house cleaning services? You should consider taking your business online for several reasons.

You’ll have access to more customers. By starting an eCommerce website, you’ll be able to reach more potential customers no matter where they live. This is the beauty about eCommerce. More customers means more sales!

Convenience. By having an eCommerce website, you’re providing extra convenience for your customers. Now they don’t have to drive to you or be bummed that your location isn’t in their area. They will look up your website, buy their desired product/service, and checkout. With almost every business taking their services online, it’s important to keep up.

If you want to have access to more customers and provide ease-of-use, then you start an eCommerce site.

How to Build an eCommerce Website

Okay, now you’ve decided that you want to start an eCommerce website, but you aren’t sure how. But, it’s important to note that creating a website isn’t as easy as it seems and can be a huge learning curve. This is something best left to the professionals. Shaka Web Design Services and their team of experts can set you up with an online shopping platform and have you up and running in no time. This is a business expense that that will pay for itself in no time!

When building your website make sure to understand who you’re marketing to. Are your products and/or services for the shopper that works two jobs and doesn’t have time to go to the store, soccer moms, or book lovers…? You must figure out who you’re marketing to before creating your site. And, once you understand this, then you can create your content to align with their needs.

How to know if your eCommerce site is performing well

Now that you we’ve got your eCommerce site set up, you’ll want to know how it’s performing, right? This is when you have to pay attention to your site’s metrics. For example, if you have a high bounce rate, then you should rewrite your content to be more engaging. Here are some metrics to look at for when running an eCommerce site:

Bounce Rate – This is when a viewer lands your webpage and leaves immediately after viewing it. This is not good. You should want viewers to be skimming every page, learning about your company, and buying products. If you have a high bounce rate, then you need to rethink your content strategy.
Conversion Rate – This is the percentage gathered from website visitors that end up buying a product. If you have a low conversion rate, it means that you need to figure out a new selling method.
Cart Abandonment Rate – This is what happens if your guests leave with items in their cart. When this happens, you must have a strategy in place to bring them back to their carts to finish the transaction.
Traffic – This shows you how many visitors are coming to your website overall. If you have low traffic, then you could work up a social media strategy or start paid ads to drive more traffic.

How to get started with your eCommerce website

Now that you understand the basics of how to build an eCommerce website and what to pay attention to; it’s time to decide if it’s right for your business. eCommerce is a great way to improve your business and help you provide global access to customers! But, creating an eCommerce website can be difficult and hard to manage. Let the professionals at Shaka Web Design Services create and maintain an eCommerce website for your business to help you tap into today’s digital market. Schedule your website design quote today!

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